Cross G Farm
Family-Friendly Farm in Lexington, OK

Farm Fresh Food & Family Fun
In 2016, we started out with 7 Nigerian Dwarf goats and 15 Cochin chickens.
We currently are raising prolific laying hens that are Oklahoma tolerant and New Zealand meat rabbits.

Melissa Gilbert. owner
Jeromy Gilbert, owner
Athena, guardian
Anatolian, Pyrenees
Quillyn, guardian
Akbash, Pyrenees, Anatolian

Frequently Asked Questions
All the Answers to Your Questions
Is your produce chemical free?
We treat our animals with vet supported medical care and medications, but our products are as close to how God designed as possible. We feed Coal Creek grains and locally bought hay from other farmers like us that don't use chemicals on their fields.
Where are you located?
We are located in central Oklahoma, in the township of Slaughterville, about 10 miles South of Norman. Our mailing address is Lexington but we are closer to downtown Noble. You can find us on Google maps at 9001 84th st Lexington, OK 73051.
What do you grow?
We have 2 New Zealand meat rabbit does kindle every month as close to the 1st as possible. The first weekend of every month we butcher all 3 month old fryers that average 5-8lbs live weight.
We have fresh eggs daily from our free range chickens. We do not wash off the protective film, called bloom, from our eggs which allows them to be stable at room temperature for 1-3 months and in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. We try to hatch at least one batch of new birds every Spring to replace older birds, but can gather hatching eggs for you at any time.
Products Your Entire Family Will Love
Fresh and For You!
New Zealand Meat Rabbits
$40 each
Pedigreed NZ meat rabbits. Paper copy of pedigree is exchanged at sale. Babies available after weaned at 4 weeks and sex determined at 3-4 weeks of age. Variation of colors available for companionship and meat production. Optional purchase as carcass only fryers.

Fresh eggs
$5/carton for eating eggs. $12/dozen for hatching eggs
We have Australorps, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, Prairie Bluebells, White Leghorns, ISA browns, Orpingtons, and Red New Hampshires crosses that we are breeding to make an Oklahoma hardy laying bird that has a rainbow of eggs and can be dual purpose meat bird. Hatching eggs available upon request.

Day Old Chicks
$8 each
We have Australorps, Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, Prairie Bluebells, White Leghorns, ISA browns, Orpingtons, and Red New Hampshires crosses that we are breeding to make an Oklahoma hardy laying bird that has a rainbow of eggs and can be dual purpose meat bird. Available for hatching and sold as day old straight run chicks.

All sales final
All sales are final. All animals are medically cleared healthy when leaving farm and are under a 24 hour replacement in a case by case basis. Otherwise all animals are new owners responsibly for care and health or damage/death to animal.